I looked out of the window and beheld a snowy landscape for the first time in many years. A smile spread across my face.
I came downstairs, and I saw many gifts under the tree. A torrent rush of fond memories cascaded down within my mind.
Early and sleepless mornings. Excitement unabounded. Squeals of mirth. Gleaming eyes full of delight. Delicious breakfast of Kuchens and Danish pastry. Grandparents arriving with bags of gifts. Christmas music gently floating through the air. Delicious dinner being prepared by lovely ladies. Fire roaring in the hearth. Laughter and good times. Exhaustion and contentment at the end of the day.
Darkness is retreating, yet all remained calm and quiet.
My eyes beheld baby Jesus in a manger. Also the watchful Joseph and a contemplative Mary. Time stopped for a moment.
Low yet esteemed. Poor yet wealthy. Humble yet exalted. Human yet fully God.
A birth worthy only of peasants, yet regarded as the King of kings. Wrapped by a swaddling cloth, yet regally honored by the Magis. No mortals visited on his birthday save a few shepherds and animals. A gift wrapped only to be opened three decades later.
The Joy of Heaven, to be despised and rejected by men.
The Morning Star, to shine in midst of darkness.
The Stump of Jesse, to flourish in the desert of dashed hopes, captivity, and bitterness.
The Righteous Branch of Judah, to be cut off by its own people.
The Ancient of Days, to be constrained within the finite.
The Messiah, to embark on mission incognito.
The great I AM, to be tabernacled among men.
The Babe, born to die.
The Harbinger of Good News, to trample over death with death.
A Carpenter. Alpha and Omega.
Nazareth. Zion.
Despised by everyone. Adorned by the heavens and nature.
A Manger. A Cross. An Empty Tomb. A Crown.
Dawn breaks. Perfect.
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