January 30, 2014

The Perfect (Snow) Storm: Birmingham Gridlock Explained

20140128_122201I was stuck at Beeson Divinity School Tuesday night because a rare snowstorm passed through the Birmingham region and shut down a significant portion of Alabama and Georgia. Now dubbed by some as the “Birmingham Gridlock” and (somewhat humorously) “snow apocalypse,” it was a relatively minor system that only served to reinforce the stereotypical view that Northerners had about the Southerners. As someone who has lived in the North for most of his life (Maryland, to be specific), I decided to chronicle exactly what transpired and why the entire city was paralyzed by it. Why? So that you not only understand exactly what happened but also to shine light on the plight some people have experienced since Tuesday night.

Also, I have prepared a five-minute video clip at the bottom of this post, and I hope you will enjoy it!

January 29, 2014

Beeson "Lock-In" and Birmingham Gridlock

Traffic jam on I-65
About 50 students, faculty, and staff members are stranded in Beeson Divinity School since last night, in addition to countless people from Samford University. We were ordered to stay where we are and we have no idea when we can go home, but I am fine and everyone on campus is fine. However, it's a nightmare throughout Birmingham right now...

January 21, 2014

10 Best Places in Alabama

Alabama's State Flag
I am a Yankee boy, and I have a confession: I still love the North and nothing will change it! Since that was the case, my perception on the South – especially the Deep South – consisted of fried chicken, grits loaded with butter and cheese, Confederate flags flying everywhere, and hoards of rednecks driving beat-up pick-up trucks covered with Confederate flags and hunting stickers. Oh, you can't forget its state sport too: college football!

January 1, 2014

Kyrie Eleison!

© Windstar Embroidery Designs
“The mercy of God is ultimately seen in Jesus Christ!”
(Bruce L. Persons)

Deaf Fellowship at Frederick Church of the Brethren invited me to fill the pulpit for Rev. Peter Myers, and I preached a message this past Sunday on Luke 18:9-14. It is my prayer that this message will bless and challenge you, and also enrich your personal walk with our Lord the Savior! If you ever want me to preach at your church or an event, please click here to contact me.

A special thanks is in order for Deaf Fellowship at Frederick Church of the Brethren for recording this sermon as a part of their ongoing "virtual" ministry. However, due to unforeseeable technical difficulties, the beginning of my sermon was not recorded. For that reason, I decided to write up a rough transcript of what I said at the beginning: