Exciting things have been happening in my life since the semester started. I preached at a Deaf church in Birmingham on February 10th and traveled to Cleveland, OH (exciting things are happening there, and you will find out more about this in a later post once things are finalized). I am loving all of my classes, but they have proved to be quite demanding in terms of papers and readings! As a result, I have less "free time" to do things that I enjoy such as blogging.
Springtime is around the corner here in Birmingham with tulips blooming, trees budding, and temperature getting warmer! I love this time of the year in the South because I can be outside more often for leisurely walks, biking, and running without having to “bundle up." In fact, as I write this post, I am wearing shorts and short-sleeved shirt. Jealous yet?
I just want to take some time to share with you a few things I'm thankful about and how you can pray for me.
1) God’s continued faithfulness and providence. I continue to be in awe of God’s faithfulness and Providence in meeting all of my daily physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs, whether big or small. God’s lovingkindness, abundant love, and mercy is put on forefront as I am reminded that each day is a gift from God and that it is only by his providence that I am here at Beeson. I am impelled as a result to give him thanksgiving and praise through every moment of my life because he has been so good to me.
2) Beeson community. I have already said this many times in the past, but it is worth being repeated: I have been blessed beyond belief to be part of a great community at Beeson. I am grateful for this opportunity to experience life together with other brothers and sisters in Christ who care for and love one another regardless of their backgrounds or theological bents – it is but a foretaste of heaven itself! Transformation does not happen only through intellectual pursuits or personal piety, but also within the context of a loving Christian community (koinonia) of people who long to glorify God and serve Him forever.
3) KDF – Birmingham’s growth and strength. Since the beginning of this semester, a few young adults have been gathering every week on Sunday afternoons for a meal, fellowship, prayers, and bible studies. While we have been off to a slow start, we are beginning to develop a core group of people who have recognized the vital need of a community for mutual support and encouragement. I have been blessed through the whole experience and am encouraged by how hungry people are for the Word of God. It is exciting for me to see people encountering God in fresh and new ways as we work through the book of John!
1) Strength and focus with my academic studies. This semester has been challenging for me and time always seems to be on a short supply when I have a pile of papers to write on a weekly basis. I am often weary by the end of the week (if not mid-week!), and I often wonder whether I will be able to write one more paper or finish one more Greek translation project. Sometimes my focus is lacking and I am tempted to be less disciplined with my studies. As I think about it, I realize that Satan has been working overtime in my life, and while God has been faithful in giving me the needed strength and focus, I truly believe that your prayers do make a big difference.
2) Increased vibrancy in my relationship with the Lord. While somewhat related to my first point, Satan has been busy trying to steal my time away from just being with the Lord, and when I neglect to commune with him, it has great impact on my academic, spiritual, and physical lives. It might seem ironic to some, but seminary can be a spiritually dry place if students approach their studies as if it was a “duty” rather than a spiritual discipline that causes one to worship Lord in mind and spirit. When I neglect to simply be with the Lord and dive into His Word on a daily basis, my ”spiritual” well become dried up, causing me to be overwhelmed, frustrated, and stressed with everything in my life. It is always challenging for me to balance my time between academic pursuits and my walk with the Lord.
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