Just a quick recap on what is in store for me this semester at Beeson. I am beginning my first of four Hebrew class, this one with the eminent yet hilarious professor, Dr. Ross, who also wrote Introducing Biblical Hebrew that we are using for our class. So far, I find Hebrew to be a lot easier than Greek (but it might bite me later on in the semester though) and it has been quite fun too!
I’m also taking my first Christian Preaching class with Dr. Robert Smith Jr., who is a phenomenal and fiery African American preacher with a huge heart for his students. In this class, each student will have several opportunities to have one-on-one sessions with him to receive feedbacks on how to improve sermon outline manuscript, preparation, and delivery. You can search his name on Youtube and see some of his sermons – you won’t be one bit disappointed!
Finally, I’m completing my Doctrine & Ethics with Dr. Cole, and it is a new course that combines systematic theology (i.e. answering questions such as “What should we believe about God,” “What should we regard the Scriptures as,” and “Who is Jesus/Holy Spirit/Trinity”) and ethical issues (i.e. abortion, euthanasia, and homosexuality) that Christian ministers will need to be prepared to address with other people.
Since I am now taking only three classes this semester, I am able to breathe a bit and enjoy life a bit more in Birmingham, AL and keep in touch with my family and friends such as you, my readers, through letters and blog posts. Moreover, I am able to be more involved with some extracurricular activities at Beeson such as the intercessory prayer ministry, which is what I am excited about! As always, thank you for your steadfast prayers, support, and words of encouragement over the past months! It is only by the grace of God I have been able to get this far in seminary, and I still have a long road ahead of me. And did I mention it is also great to be back in the land of sweet tea, barbecue, and football?!
Please comment below and let me know where y’all went this past summer.
Yours in Christ, for the glory of God alone,
1 comment:
I wuz in Ohio, Maryland, NC, and IOWA.
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